epub |eng | 2005-04-20 | Author:Gary Blackwood [Blackwood, Gary]

20 We were all of us momentarily struck dumb by this revelation. Though it had been clear all along that Garrett was hiding something, I doubt that anyone suspected what ...
( Category: Europe October 11,2015 )
epub |eng | 2014-02-27 | Author:Carolyn Meyer

15/28 October 1914 Seven classes today! It’s just too much. How do they expect me to keep all of this in my head? Professor Petrov is reading us a story ...
( Category: Europe October 10,2015 )
epub |eng | 2011-05-10 | Author:E.L. Konigsburg

Ben’s first appointment with the psychiatrist was for 10:00 a.m. the next morning. Mrs. Carr was taking the day off work to get him there. George told Ben that he ...
( Category: Europe June 11,2015 )
epub |eng | 2009-10-30 | Author:Bajoria, Paul [BAJORIA, PAUL]

9 HIS LORDSHIP Just as I was telling myself the noise I’d made falling through the wall must surely bring the man from Calcutta back up the stairs to investigate, ...
( Category: Europe May 27,2015 )
epub |eng | 2013-09-18 | Author:Lasky, Kathryn

March 2, 1770 I received today the most astounding note from Mama. I paste it here in my diary. Daughter, Bravo! You have excelled in the most important lesson I ...
( Category: Europe May 27,2015 )
epub |eng | 2005-05-26 | Author:Holub, Josef [Holub, Josef]

18 My lieutenant is surplus to requirements. He has no more men left to command. His platoon consists of two horses, himself and me. It doesn’t take much imagination to ...
( Category: Friendship May 27,2015 )
epub |eng | 2008-02-27 | Author:Melanie Little

Free I’m having a good laugh at myself. Beautiful dove of a woman, indeed! It seems I’m not so above Ramon after all— concocting a lithe young protectress instead of ...
( Category: Europe May 27,2015 )
epub |eng | | Author:Robin Stevens

We sat up, and Minny felt our foreheads and looked down our throats with that flat stick nurses always have. Then she told us we seemed far better today. It ...
( Category: Europe May 27,2015 )
mobi, epub |eng | 1988-01-02 | Author:Aiken, Joan [Aiken, Joan]

7. Arrival at the rope bridge; the bear; Pedro stunned; I encounter little Pilar on a cliff, Don Manuel and his children; the book; I carry a letter to Juana ...
( Category: Europe April 5,2015 )
mobi, epub |eng | 2007-01-02 | Author:Iain Lawrence

fifteen THE FATE OF CROC ADAMS I fled from the house and ran to the beach. In my fear and shock, I could hardly speak. But the others pressed around, ...
( Category: Europe April 5,2015 )
mobi, epub |eng | 2002-02-17 | Author:Gary Blackwood

17 We pulled up the carewares, and Mr. Heminges and Mr. Armin rode forward to talk with the apparent leader of the group, a lanky man wearing the leather jerkin ...
( Category: Europe April 5,2015 )
mobi, epub |eng | 1983-01-02 | Author:Aiken, Joan [Aiken, Joan]

NEXT day Madame Mauleon, in the kindest possible manner, invited us to remain with her for several nights, or as long as we chose. A longer stay, so as to ...
( Category: Europe April 5,2015 )
mobi, epub, azw3 |eng | 2012-08-05 | Author:Gareth P. Jones

36 What If . . . Clara was standing outside a pub called the Boar’s Head. It was the address on her list that was nearest to Aysgarth House. In ...
( Category: Europe April 5,2015 )
mobi, epub |eng | 0101-01-01 | Author:Gloria Whelan

Dear Grandfather, Mr. Duggen saw a willow wren and I saw a robin. I hope you are feeling better. Valerie I slipped it under the door of Grandfather’s bedroom. The ...
( Category: Africa April 5,2015 )
mobi, epub |eng | 2002-01-18 | Author:J.B. Cheaney

MORE ROGUERY e has some rough edges,” Starling conceded the next morning, when I told her of our adventure. “Rough edges?” I was helping her spread new rushes on the ...
( Category: Europe April 5,2015 )